October 1, 2012

Bad Piggies Skull 9 Location, Find The Skulls 9 | Ground Hog Day 1-IV Skull Location


Find Hidden Skull 9 on Bad Piggies 1-IV. Begin your contraption with a TNT box in a wood crate. Add a wood wheel, turned sideways on the left. On the bottom row use a large metal wheel. Finish the contraption with another wood box with your piggy inside.

Bad Piggies
Skull 9 Location
Find The Skulls 9
Ground Hog Day I-IV
Level 1-IV

Hidden Skull Location
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats

Recorded On: iPod
Available On: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PC, Windows, Mac, Apple, OSX, Facebook, Nokia, Windows Phone, Kindle, DS Lite, DSi, Playstation 3, XBOX 360

Find The Skulls 10 Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 8 Walkthrough

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