Bad Piggies – When Pigs Fly III, Level 2-III | Bonus Level | Bad Piggies Walkthrough
To pass this Bad Piggies level use 6 wood crates with a cola bottle on the left side. For the lower level grab 3 wood wheels, placing them under crate 1, 3 and 6. Add cola bottles under crate 2 and 5 and a seltzer bottle under crate 4. The final touch is seltzer bottles above crates 1 and 5 and a cola bottle above crate 6. Don’t forget to add your pigs. The small one goes in the crate on the far right and the Bad Piggies King sits in crates 2, 3 and 4.
Bad Piggies
When Pigs Fly III
When Pigs Fly 2-III
Level 2-III
Bonus Level
3 Star Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats
Recorded On: iPod
Available On: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PC, Windows, Mac, Apple, OSX, Facebook, Nokia, Windows Phone, Kindle, DS Lite, DSi, Playstation 3, XBOX 360
Bad Piggies When Pigs Fly 2-IV Walkthrough
Bad Piggies When Pigs Fly 2-II Walkthrough