Find The Skulls Locations
Throughout two main episodes of Bad Piggies (Ground Hog Day and When Pigs Fly), there are 20 hidden skulls. The skulls are sometimes in plain view when completing the 3 star task on a level, but on others they are hidden in the opposide side of the level and sometimes require completely different contraptions to get to them. The Find The Skulls challenge requires to you track down and grab all 20 hidden skulls. Once you do, you'll unlock a Sand-Box bonus level. Below are links to the 20 Find The Skulls Locations videos, which show what levels the hidden skulls are on, and how to find them.

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 8
Hidden Skull Location: Level 1-III
Find The Skulls Location 8

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 10
Hidden Skull Location: Level 1-VII
Find The Skulls Location 10

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 11
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-4
Find The Skulls Location 11

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 12
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-7
Find The Skulls Location 12

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 13
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-10
Find The Skulls Location 13

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 14
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-11
Find The Skulls Location 14

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 15
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-16
Find The Skulls Location 15

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 16
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-17
Find The Skulls Location 16

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 17
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-29
Find The Skulls Location 17

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 18
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-33
Find The Skulls Location 18

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 19
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-IV
Find The Skulls Location 19

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Find The Skulls 20
Hidden Skull Location: Level 2-VII
Find The Skulls Location 20