Ground Hog Day Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day is the first episode of Bad Piggies. This episode is centered around building contraptions that stay on the ground, hence the name, Ground Hog Day. You can use items such as wood and metal crates, wheels, fans, cola bottles and even propellers to build your vehicles.
Below are the Ground Hog Day Walkthrough videos for each level in the original episode. There are a total of 36 levels. For each level there is also a text description on how to build a contraption to get 3 stars. Once you have achieved 3 stars for all 36 levels, a series of 9 Ground Hog Day Bonus Levels will unlock.

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 1
Walkthrough: Level 1-1
Bad Piggies 1-1

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 2
Walkthrough: Level 1-2
Bad Piggies 1-2

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 3
Walkthrough: Level 1-3
Bad Piggies 1-3

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 4
Walkthrough: Level 1-4
Bad Piggies 1-4

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 5
Walkthrough: Level 1-5
Bad Piggies 1-5

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 6
Walkthrough: Level 1-6
Bad Piggies 1-6

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 7
Walkthrough: Level 1-7
Bad Piggies 1-7

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 8
Walkthrough: Level 1-8
Bad Piggies 1-8

Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Ground Hog Day 9
Walkthrough: Level 1-9
Bad Piggies 1-9